Professors and Group leaders

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Holger Reichardt

Vice Director of the Institute
Spokesman Molecular Medicine Study Program

phone: 0551/39-63365

email: hreichardt(at)

Prof. Dr. med. Martin Oppermann

Vice Dean of Study of the Medical Faculty

phone: 0551/39-65822

email: mopperm(at)

Prof. Dr. med. Ralf Dressel

Representative of the Dean in Dissertation Affairs
Corona Task Force Manager

phone: 0551/39-61044

email: rdresse(at)

Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin: please click here.

PD Dr. rer. nat. Niklas Engels

Group leader

phone: 0551/39-68863

email: nengels(at)

Dr. rer. nat. Michael Engelke

Group leader

phone: 0551/39-68868


Dr. rer. nat. Sybille Reichardt

Group leader

phone: 0551/39-65502

email: sybille.reichardt(at)

Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Münchhalfen


phone: 0551/39-68869

email: matthias.muenchhalfen(at)

Dr. med. Fabian Gayer

Physician, Associated guest scientist from the Clinic of Urology

phone (office): 0551/39-65836

email: fabian.gayer(at)