Selected publications from the Wienands lab

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since 2015

Schmitt, M.E.R., Lutz, J., Haase, P., Böls, M.R., Wienands, J., Engels, N., and Voehringer, D. (2020). The B-cell antigen receptor of IgE-switched plasma cells regulates memory IgE responses. J Allergy Clin Immunol 146(3):642-651.

Wong, L.E., Bhatt, A., Erdmann, P.S., Hou, Z., Maier, J., Pirkuliyeva, S., Engelke, M., Becker, S., Plitzko, J., Wienands, J., and Griesinger, C. (2020). Tripartite phase separation of two signal effectors with vesicles priming B cell responsiveness. Nat Commun 11(1):848.

Setz, C.S., Khadour, A., Renna, V., Iype, J., Gentner, E., He, X., Datta, M., Young, M., Nitschke, L., Wienands, J., Maity, P.C., Reth, M., and Jumaa, H. (2019). Pten controls B-cell responsiveness and germinal center reaction by regulating the expression of IgD BCR. EMBO J 38(11):e100249.

Keller, B., Shoukier, M., Schulz, K., Bhatt, A., Heine, I., Strohmeier, V., Speckmann, C., Engels, N., Warnatz, K., and Wienands, J. (2018). Germline deletion of CIN85 in humans with X chromosome-linked antibody deficiency. J Exp Med 215(5):1327-1336.

Vanshylla, K., Bartsch, C., Hitzing, C., Krümpelmann, L., Wienands, J., and Engels, N. (2018). Grb2 and GRAP connect the B cell antigen receptor to Erk MAP kinase activation in human B cells. Sci Rep 8(1):4244.

Vanshylla, K., Opazo, F., Gronke, K., Wienands, J., and Engels N. (2018). The extracellular membrane-proximal domain of membrane-bound IgE restricts B cell activation by limiting B cell antigen receptor surface expression. Eur J Immunol 48(3):441-453.

Manno, B., Oellerich, T., Schnyder, T., Corso, J., Lösing, M., Neumann, K., Urlaub, H., Batista, F.D. Engelke, M.*, and Wienands, J.* (20166). The Dok-3/Grb2 adaptor module promotes inducible association of the lipid phosphatase SHIP with the BCR in a coreceptor-independent manner. Eur J Immunol 46(11):2520-2530. *shared senior authorship

Kühn, J., Wong, L.E., Pirkuliyeva, S., Schulz, K., Schwiegk, C., Fünfgeld, K.G., Keppler, S., Batista, F.D., Urlaub, H., Habeck, M., Becker, S., Griesinger, C., and Wienands, J. (2016). The adaptor protein CIN85 assembles intracellular signaling clusters for B cell activation. Sci Signal 9(434):ra66.

Flach, A.C., Litke, T., Strauss, J., Haberl, M., Gómez, C.C., Reindl, M., Saiz, A., Fehling, H.J., Wienands, J., Odoardi, F., Lühder, F., and Flügel, A. (2016). Autoantibody-boosted T-cell reactivation in the target organ triggers manifestation of autoimmune CNS disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113(12):3323-8.

Corso, J., Pan, K.-T., Walter, R., Doebele, C., Mohr, S., Bohnenberger, H., Ströbel, P., Lenz, C., Slabicki, M., Hüllein, J., Comoglio, F., Rieger, M.A., Zenz, T., Wienands, J., Engelke, M., Serve, H., Urlaub, H., and Oellerich, T. (2016). Elucidation of tonic and activated B-cell receptor signaling in Burkitt’s lymphoma provides insights into regulation of cell survival. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 113(20):5688-93.

Lutz, J., Dittmann, K., Bösl, M.R., Winkler, T.H., Wienands, J., and Engels, N. (2015). Reactivation of IgG-switched memory B cells by BCR-intrinsic signal amplification promotes IgG antibody production. Nat Commun 6:8575.